Goonhilly WebSDR

This WebSDR is hosted at Goonhilly Earth Station in Cornwall at 50.0524°, -5.1823° (IO70JB).


The VHF band uses an AMSAT VHF Turnstile antenna, with a G0MRF Preamp and an RTL-SDR. A FUNcube Groundstation using a FUNcube Dongle is also fed from the Preamp.


The 70cms system uses a UHF turnstile antenna with MGF103 pre-amp from Antennas-Amplifiers at masthead and an RTL-SDR dongle.


The 23cms system uses a 13 element yagi with a mast head narrow pass band filter followed G4DDK VLNA preamplifier. This feeds an Airspy SDR which is locked to a 10MHz Leo Bodnar GPS frequency reference.


The 13cms system uses a 21 element yagi with a mast head SSB Electronics 2320 to 144MHz down converter with an external 90.66667MHz local oscillator signal generated by a Leo Bodnar frequency reference locked to GPS. This feeds an AirSpy SDR which is locked to a 10MHz Leo Bodnar GPS frequency reference, (shared with the 23cm system).

More information about the WebSDR software can be found on

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j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency
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? dB; peak ? dB;
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